Curve Ball - if you need to course-correct your mindset in real time.


Curve Ball - if you need to course-correct your mindset in real time.


Are the goal posts are moving left, right and centre? Are you feeling overwhelmed or irritated at the constant changes? This is for you if you’re seeking a calm mindset to make decisions.

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This is for you if you need to course-correct, if the goalposts are moving left, right and centre. If there’s so much change, moments of peace to quieten your mind to create a receptive landscape feels like the ultimate tonic. Between an event and your reaction, lies a very small space, that space might only be quarter of a second but if you practice inserting a longer pause in that space you give yourself time to think about how you want to react. 

In the words of one of the greatest humans of the 20th Century, Victor Frankl, Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” 

These meditations will soften your mindset to create a solving mentality, regardless of what you’re facing.

  • Intro

  • Assess

  • Move Forward

Curve Ball
I’ve just listened to the meditations - they’re beautiful and I love the positioning of ‘Curve Ball’ it’s spot on.

— Sally Ivory, Global Brand Director, Kamalaya