Managing curve balls, deadlines, pitching, delivering a kick-ass strategy, developing mic drop creative, exceeding your quarterly figures, speaking at an industry event, navigating the colourful characters of colleagues, clients, customers, line managers, agencies (tick as applicable). It’s not the number of plates you spin, it’s the mind set in which you spin them! 

The must-have in your well being back pocket

And that’s where these mindset tools come in. Short, digestible content ranging from meditations to thought provoking prompts so you can reframe your experiences.

The meditations are uniquely themed to address widely experienced thoughts and challenges that arise in fast paced creative industries.

Under 90 seconds each, the meditations can be listened to anywhere you go and with your eyes open (if you prefer). Not only that, the music is curated on hertz frequencies so you get deeper benefits on a cellular level. This is an industry first approach to mindset health - combining proven mindset techniques with hertz frequencies creates a positive shift and enables you to take charge of your mindset, shifting your perspective and in turn, you experinces.

With all the approaches, we get straight to it – no lengthy platitudes, no set up. We get in and get out. Enabling you to course correct in real time so you can move forward to flourish and thrive.